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Absurd Ventures

Lazlow on Kinda Funny Gamescast with Greg Miller

Check out Lazlow’s conversation with Greg Miller about A Better Paradise, Absurd Ventures and lots more on Kinda Funny Gamescast.

“There's been so many shows and movies about evil AI and we thought… well, these things are making us completely neurotic right?
And so, if an AI was inside a video game, building a world and then escaped and was reading the internet every fraction of a second, it would be as neurotic as we are.”

Available at:

Absurd Ventures

AMERICAN CAPER and A BETTER PARADISE: First Stories Coming in 2024

Absurd Ventures presents A Better Paradise & American Caper

We will soon introduce two universes, their characters and lore.

AMERICAN CAPER centers on two normal, badly-damaged American families in a world of corrupt business, inept politics and bungling crime. AMERICAN CAPER will debut as a graphic novel that is being illustrated by renowned comic book artist, Simon Bisley.


A BETTER PARADISE is an existential suspense thriller, set in the near future. A 12-episode audio fiction series based on the A BETTER PARADISE universe is currently in production. Absurd Ventures is partnering with award-winning audio company QCODE to co-produce the audio series.


This is the beginning. We will be sharing more information about A BETTER PARADISE and AMERICAN CAPER in the months ahead. Make sure to register and subscribe and to follow Absurd Ventures across our social media channels.